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Mixed Diglossini, May 23, 1966, III
[[circled]] 66 [[/circled]]

8:27. Hear what may be Diglossine Twitter in distance. Completely overlapped by Scan Song.

[[margin]] Bari Scan [[/margin]] Aha!!! 8:42. A couple of hundred yards away. See single [[male symbol]] Bari (definite) feeding low in scrub. 1-3 ft up. Definitely alone. Feeding on pinkish-red flowers. [[underlined]] Not [[/underlined]] one of the species on which Scan was seen to feed earlier. This area certainly is adjacent to a Scan territory; but I have not seen Scan in exact same place.

[[margin]] Bari Scan [[/margin]] Bari utters several R's (pure, rather high pitched trills, without any other component). At first overlapped by Scan Song. Then Scan shuts up. Bari utters 1 or 2 more R's. NODWAH. Then shuts up. Disappears. Scans resume singing. NODWAH.

[[margin]] Bari Scan [[/margin]] 8:50. [[male symbol]] Bari reappears same area. Alone. Feeds 1-2 ft up. Utters several R's. All completely overlapped by Scan Songs.

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]] NOTE: This individual does not have any obvious white marks on tertiaries or anywhere else.

Again Bari flies off.

[[margin]] CC Bari Brun [[/margin]] NOTE: This patch of scrub looks quite suitable for CC's. But they do seem to be absent. Similarly, the area worked earlier looked quite suitable for Baris; but I didn't see or hear a trace of them. [[underlined]] Both [[/underlined]] areas look quite suitable for Bruns.

[[margin]] [[underlined]] Gen [[/underlined]] [[/margin]] All this is (further) evidence that the Diglossines of this region [[underlined]] tend [[/underlined]] to be [[underlined]] ecologically separated [[/underlined]].

[[margin]] Scan Bari [[/margin]] 8:58. Scans silent now. Hear more Bari R's. NODWAH. Then hear Bari R's coming from some distance away. Also NODWAH. So there may be at least 2 inds. of the species here.

Then hear more Bari R's down road. Apparently, there