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Mixed Diglossini, May 27, 1966, VIII
[[circled]] 81 [[/circled]]

2 [[2 checkmarks above 2]] Whitestarts [[2 checkmarks above Whitestarts]], 2 [[2 checkmarks above 2]] Firebellies [[2 checkmarks above Firebellies]], 1 [[checkmark above 1]] juv. [[checkmark above juv.]] pr Atlapetes, 1 [[checkmark above 1]] [[Spizctornis?]]. All birds quiet. All species at least 10 ft apart. Firebellies fly away. Nothing follows. Whitestarts gradually move uphill. All other birds just disappear.

Whitestarts pass thru territory of single Ruddy [[2 checkmarks above Ruddy]] Flycatcher. No reaction between 2 species. Ruddy must be considered alone.

Then Whitestarts disappear into heavier forest over crest small hill. A second or two later, a pair [[2 checkmarks above pair]] of [[2 checkmarks above of]] [[underlined]] Th. cyanocephala [[/underlined]] appears Also gradually move over crest of hill in same direction. Disappear.

A couple of minutes later, pair of Firebellies (re)appears. Moving same direction. Then stop. A couple [[underlined]] more [[/underlined]] minutes later, juv. PL reappears about 10 ft from Firebellies. Then disappears again.

Then Whitestarts come back Get to point about 30 ft from Firebellies [[underlined]] Possibly [[/underlined]] the [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] are behind the Whitestarts (still). Then Firebellies move off. And Whitestarts apparently go in opposite direction

Possibly these Whitestarts, Firebellies, and juv. PL should be considered to form a single flock. If so, it is a [[underlined]] very, [[/underlined]] very diffuse one.

NOTE: If this [[underlined]] was [[/underlined]] a flock, it probably is significant that Whitestarts were included. The Whitestarts certainly were the leaders — if any one was. (And note that Whitestarts apparently were [[underlined]] absent from the Palca region [[/underlined]] during my observations there)

COMMENT. It is quite conceivable that I could have [[underlined]] overlooked [[/underlined]] a few flocks as diffuse as this at Palca.