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Mixed Diglossini, May 28, 1966, II [[circled]] 84 [[/circled]]

6:45. Walking down road. Hear what is obviously [[underlined]] torquatus [[/underlined]] Song coming from low in scrub. NODWA

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] A few minutes later, hear more Whitestart Song NODWA Shuts up. Then hear Cy Song NODWA Shuts up.

Sun beginning to reach this area 6:57 a.m.

Going down into ravine 8000 ft 7:02. See group 3 [[three checkmarks above 3]] [[underlined]] Thlypopsis  [[/underlined]]. Silent. Alone. Feeding 6-20 ft up thick mixed scrub.

[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]] See a lot of fights between hummingbirds. Presumably intra-specific. Probably some species other than Scan.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] 7:20. On way back up to road. See single Brun [[checkmark above Brun]]. Alone. Same general area seen yesterday. Then Brun flies into isolated (burned} bush. Sings several phrases. All NODWA. All with [[underlined]] trace [[/underlined]] sub-terminal R. Then Brun shuts up.

Then Whitestart Sings. NODWA. Then see pair[[two checkmarks above pair]] Whitestarts flying from tree to tree in scrub. 6-10 ft up. Definitely alone

[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]] Incidentally, Whitestart territories seem to overlap Diglossa territories at random here.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] A few minutes later, hear more Brun Songs uphill. These seem to be "pure" Twitters.

[[margin]] Brun Bari Gen [[/margin]] The territory of this Brun seems to be inserted [[underlined]] between [[/underlined]] 2 Bari (single [[male symbol]] and "pair") territories. Is a "[[underlined]] mosaic [[/underlined]]" organization of Diglossa territories characteristic of this area? [[underlined]] I think so [[/underlined]]. (I have yet to find two Bari territories which I knew to be definitely adjacent to one another.)

7:33 Walking down road. See single Ruddy [[checkmark above Ruddy]] Flycatcher alone

Then hear more Whitestart Song NODWA