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Mixed Diglossini, May 28, 1966, III [[circled]] 85 [[/circled]]

See a single Sooty Thrush alone.

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]] 7:42. Go on down road to 7990 ft.  See another single [[male symbol]] [[checkmark above male symbol]] Bari alone. Region sparse low scrub. Sings repeatedly. Song [[underlined]] partly intermediate [[/underlined]] between "typical" "Zee zee zee ..." and R! A very [[underlined]] rapid [[/underlined]] series 6-7 "Zee" Notes. Ending in faint "slur". Slur might be transcribed "Zrwaa" [[image - down sloping curve]]

See a single Orange-billed Saltator alone in same scrub

Then hear more Atlapetes Whistle Song (PL type) down in ravine.

[[margin]] Cy Bari [[/margin]] Well! Well! 7:48. Only a few feet further on. Same type scrub. See single Cy [[checkmark above Cy]] (definite) 1-2 ft up in scrub. Silent. Alone. (Note: It does look very [[underlined]] large [[/underlined]]!) Then this bird flies into bush where I saw [[male symbol]] Bari a few minutes ago.  A small [[female symbol]] hummingbird (definitely [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] Scan) dashes at Cy in flight. Cy swerves to avoid it. Hummingbird flies on.

[[margin]] Bari Cy [[/margin]] At same time, I see [[male symbol]] Bari again. 30 ft down hill from Cy. Then Bari flies across ravine. A few minutes later, Cy also flies across ravine. Going in different direction, but crossing earlier path of Bari. I.E. the territories or ranges of this Cy and this Bari are [[underlined]] at least largely overlapping [[/underlined]]!

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Then hear Cy Song in distance.  NODWA.

[[margin]] Gen [[/margin]] 7:58. Starting to walk back up road. See group 2 [[two checkmarks above 2]] or 3 [[underlined]] Thlypopsis  [[/underlined]] (usual species) feeding low in mixed bamboo scrub. Pecking insects off leaves ([[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] bamboo) in best [[underlined]] Conirostrum [[/underlined]] style. Definitely alone.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Then see single Brun [[checkmark above Brun]] fly by. This probably is [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]] the same