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Mixed Diglossini, May 28, 1966, IV [[circled]] 86 [[/circled]]

bird seen earlier.

[[margin]] Bari Brun [[/margin]] 8:07. Further along. See another Bari [[check mark above Bari]] Singing. Perched 5 ft up. Alone. Songs usual "Zee zee zee..." type. [[underlined]] Each Bari phrase  seems to provoke a response by Brun [[/underlined]] Brun begins phrase as soon as Bari finishes, or, [[underlined]] more frequently [[/underlined]], even before Bari finishes. I.E. there is some alternation of phrases and [[underlined]] even more partial overlaps [[/underlined]. Then both birds shut up. 

[[margin]] Brun Bari [[/margin]] A few seconds later, both birds start again. [[underlined]] Now it is the Brun who seems to be provoking Bari [[/underlined]]! [[underlined]] Again, some alternation and more overlaps [[/underlined]].

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Both birds shut up. Whitestart Sings. NODWA. Shuts  up. Cy Sings. NODWA. Shuts up.

[[margin]] Cinn [[/margin]] 8:14. See what looks like Cinn in distance.

Further along, see single [[underlined]] Thlypopsis [[/underlined]] alone. 3 ft up scrub Picking insects off leaves as usual.

[[margin]] Thalass [[/margin]] 8:37. Taking up hill side path off usual side path. Region thick but low scrub. 8150 ft. Lots of hummers here. Commonest species  is constantly uttering "double" notes : "Trit tut" or "Tit tit" while perched. Probably "first" species heard yesterday. I finally manage to get a good look at one of these birds. It is [[underlined]] Colibri thalassina [[/underlined]] (definite)!!!! (I shall call it "Thalass".)

[[margin]] Thalass Scan [[/margin]] These birds sound so very [[underlined]] different [[/underlined]] from Scans that I am sure that I never confused the 2 species anywhere.

[[margin]] Thalass [[/margin]] One Thalass attacks another small green hummer of another species. So Thalass's are aggressive too!

Hear Cy Song in distance. NODWA but completely overlapped                

Transcription Notes:
Note - first partial word was documented on the previous page - "bird" not last word on previous page, so added as 1st word here