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Mixed Diglossini, May 28, 1966, VI [[circled]] 88 [[/circled]]

9:53. Down near road. See a single [[checkmark above single]] Firebelly fly by alone.

[[margin]] Cy Thalass [[/margin]] Then hear some more Cy Song. NODWA. But completely overlapped by Thalass.

Back to road 10:15 a.m.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] See usual Brun Singing again. Alone. Perched 4 ft up. Songs NODWA. Without R component. Then Brun stops Singing. Feeds by picking insects off leaves

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Then see what is presumably another single [[checkmark above single]] Brun a cross ravine.

NOTE:  There really are quite a lot of the maroon crested montane cotingas around here. 

[[margin]] Bari [[/margin]] Some distance down road, see single [[checkmark above single]] [[male symbol]] Bari alone (again).

[[margin]] Cy Bari [[/margin]] Hear more Cy Song NODWA. Cy shuts up. Hear more Bari Song. "Zee zee zee..." type: NODWA. Cy starts again. [[underlined]] One complete overlap. [[/underlined]] Then the 2 species alternate phrases for a while. Then [[underlined]] overlap again [[/underlined]]. Then Bari shuts up. Cy continues Cy shuts up. Bari starts again. Then the 2 species alternate without overlaps. 10:37.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Going back up road. See another Cy alone. 10-12 ft up trees. Sings. NODWA. [[underlined]] Some [[/underlined]] phrases have Twitter component. Then Cy shuts up. Flies away.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Then I hear more Brun Song NODWA.

[[margin]] CC Brun Bari [[/margin]] Well! Well! Well! [[underlined]] See pair [[two checkmarks above pair]] CC's [[/underlined]] (definite) 4-8 ft up in scrub. [[underlined]] Alone. [[/underlined]] Probing white flower heads. These birds were first seen in [[underlined]] exact same place [[/underlined]] where first Brun was first seem yesterday! Then they ranged over quite a wide area. [[underlined]] Range apparently coinciding exactly with (at least a large part of) Brun territory [[/underlined]]!!! CC's passed between 2 Bari territories — just as Brun has been seen to do —