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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 18, 1964, III
[[circled]] 22 [[/circled]]

Sort of intermediate between a twitter and an R. Then both birds disappear from sight.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] These birds were not very close to where I supposed the mixed flock to be at the time. Looks as if they had dis-associated themselves

This mixed flock seems to be even less tightly organized than the most similar flocks near Unduavi. 

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] 7:45. Cys apparently  back with flock. Hear both Cy and whitestart songs. Again not overlapping.

7:50. Catch good view whole flock. This is described in general mixed flocks. But it should be mentioned that the Cys seemed to be among the leaders.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] I am not sure but that the Cys did not utter pure R as "Greeting" once, after leaving flock (at least temporarily)

[[margin]] Sitti [[/margin]] There was probably a single Sitti with this flock. Silent.

NOTE: All the mixed flock & Cy observations were made just [[underlined]] over [[/underlined]] the crest of the ridge, about 50-400 ft along path sloping gradually downward. No fog at all. Cloud. Fairly warm.

Back to crest of ridge 8:30 am. See that there are patches of thin fog scattered all over Hotel-ruin side of mountain

Starting back down hill 8:35 Patches of fog have gone, at least temporarily

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] Presumed Bruns still singing 8600 ft. 8:47 Fog coming back 9:05. All the Brun songs now seem to be rapid formless twitters. [[underlined]] Not [[/underlined]] Bari like. Lower intensity? More hostile?

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] See a single Brun [[checkmark above Brun]] alone. Then another. [[checkmark above another]] See this latter uttering rapid twitter songs.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] 9:30 See single Cy [[checkmark above Cy]] feeding on fruit in tree same place as first observation.