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Mixed Diglossini, Jun. 1, 1966, II 
[[circled]] 39 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] Then see Scan. Identification definite

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] 2:58 pm. 8450 ft. See single Brun. [[checkmark above Brun]] Silent & alone. Very low in mixed scrub.

June 2, 1966
Machu Picchu

This morning, I am going to work same place as yesterday afternoon.

Arrive crest of ridge 5:40 am. Starting to get light. Cloudy. Cool. Occasional patches of fog.

A very few miscellaneous bird sounds started already.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] First Cy Song heard 5:58 am. Bird Singing very vigorously Phrase after phrase at very short intervals. All phrases essentially similar. "Trit trit [[jagged line]] saweeeee saweeeee saweeeeee." All phrases completely overlapped by a variety of hummingbird sounds.  [[margin]] Scan Thalass [[/margin]] Scan. Thalass. Probably others. Also overlapping at random with long, single, fluctuating Whistles, which sound as if they might be uttered by some species of Atlapetes. 

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Then Whistles stop. Cy continues.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Then I hear some more Whistles which sound more like typical PL or [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] Song NODWA. Stop. More Cy song. NODWA. Stops. More Atlapetes Whistle Song. NODWA

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] Then Cy and Atlapetes alternate phrases with little or no overlap. Then both shut up.

6:11 am. Hear one Whitestart-like (Livea?) phrase downhill.

Transcription Notes:
Last word transcribed in full on this page, per transcription guidelines: downhill,-wnhill from next page