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Mixed Diglossini, May 18, 1972, II. 
[[circled]] 52 [[/circled]]

[[margin]] Scan [[/margin]] 6:05. Region low degraded scrub & bamboo. [[underlined]] Colibri [[/underlined]] singing and performing display flights NODWAH. See this ind. Apparently Scan. Song sometimes single note, sometimes double note. Then hear and see more Scans further along. Also NODWAH

6:20. Hear some Basileuterus and/or Hemispingus types in distant bamboo thickets.

6:35 There also is (are) (an)other species of smaller hummingbirds performing display  flights and Singing occasionally.

[[margin]] Thalass [[/margin]] Whitestart Sings. NODWAH. Stops. Thalass Sings. NODWAH. Whitestart Sings again. Complete overlap with Thalass. Then Whitestart stops. Thalass continues NODWAH.

[[margin]] Thalass Scan? [[/margin]] 6:41. More Whitestart Song. Completely overlapped by several [[underlined]] Colibri [[/underlined]] in background. Certainly Thalass. Possibly also Scan. Again with complete overlap. Again and again.

Sun coming out 6:50. General bird noises decrease.

See single Sooty Thrush in scrub. Alone

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] 7:15 am. Base of first small patch of VSTF. See small mixed flock. 1 Cy (leader?) ranging 3-10 ft up, 3-4 small grayish birds (flycatchers?, cc?), 2-4 ft up. Very quiet. Quite scattered. Move on. A few minutes later, a single [[underlined]] tricolor [[/underlined]] appears Ranging from ground to 2 ft up in scrub. There also are a couple of [[underlined]] Zonotrichia [[/underlined]] in area. All the finches gradually drift off in the direction of flock; but I don't think that they should be considered to be members of the flock.

[[margin]] Cy [[/margin]] A few minutes later, Cy comes back. Definitely alone now.

[[margin]] Brun [[/margin]] 7:30. See single Orange head foraging 2 ft up in scrub. Silent and alone. Then see single Brun 30 ft away. 10 ft up in