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Mixed Diglossini, Oct. 20, 1963, III.
[[circled]] 14 [[/circled]]

Long rapid tweeting aerial pursuit flight. Accompanied by long vocalizations intermediate between typical R and typical twitter. Both birds disappear from view.

[[margin]] Carbo [[/margin]] [[male symbol]] back in Eucalypt almost immediately [[female symbol]] back building a few minutes later. Still building 7:25

Again the [[male symbol]] swoops down from 20 ft up in Eucalypt, to pounce on [[female symbol]] as she carries n m. back to the nest. Accompanied by long R. I can't see what happens after this, as both birds are hidden by hedge. But I don't think much. Everything silent. Both birds apparently gone.

[[female symbol]] back nest building 7:30. Now bringing big beakfuls of white down stuff. From Eucalyptus trees. Are these flowers? Apparently for lining. Nest must be getting near completion.

[[margin]] CC? [[/margin]] Then [[female symbol]] seems to disappear for awhile. Almost immediately I hear what sound like CC songs from Eucalypt. "Tuk-a-tuh tuk-a-tuh tuk-a-tuh" phrases. Then [[female symbol]] back. Songs stop. [[female symbol]] Carbo gone again. Songs start again. Then stop again, although Carbos apparently not around.

[[margin]] CC Carbo [[/margin]] This apparent inhibition of CC songs by the mere [[underlined]] presence [[/underlined]] of Carbos is reminiscent of the situation in central Peru

Very cold and damp today. But no actual rain.

[[margin]] Carbo [[/margin]] [[female symbol]] Carbo lands on perch in hedge. Utters long [[underlined]] soft [[/underlined]] R as she does so. No Za za. Then twice assumes extreme TV, with belly fluffing but wings folded on back. Silent. [[underlined]] Looking at me [[/underlined]] [[male symbol]] apparently not around. Then [[female symbol]] flies to low scrub, only an inch or so above ground. Utters brief twitter in flight. [[underlined]] Then [[/underlined]] soft R, no Zaza, on landing Again assumes TV as before. Then relaxes. Disappears.