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Mixed Diglossini, Oct 25, 1963, II.
[[circled]] 24 [[/circled]]

[[left margin]] Brun [[/left margin]] I have described some of them as being accompanied by R's. It might be just as correct to say (it is, in fact, saying exactly the same thing) that they are accompanied by particularly rapid twitters.

This afternoon going to go to down to garden area in lower LaPaz. Arrive 4:35pm. Going to make a special effort to look for more Carbos and CC's in areas away from A&B Carbos. In orchard and along slope down to river.

[[left margin]] Carbo [[/left margin]] 4:45 pm See a Carbo and one other bird involved in aerial chase. Other bird may be another Carbo. In scrub down hill from A area. At least one of the Carbos is almost certainly an A.

This is where I think that the CC that strays into A area usually lives. 

See Carbo feeding in low thick scrub, edge open area, 4:55. Probably an A again.

Go for a walk through cherry orchard. Nothing!

[[left margin]] Carbo [[/left margin]] Go back to area below A. Find single Carbo feeding in dense scrub, 4-15 ft above ground. Quite far from A territory. Utters "Tut" while feeding, that is all. Makes no attempt to approach A area. Then flies into Eucalypt, in opposite direction from A area.

This must be a 5th or 6th individual of the species around here (Probably the same individual I saw in a tree near Orchard some days ago). I shall call it "C"

Apparently pure Carbo. Can't see moustache.

[[left margin]] Carbo [[/left margin]] Either C or one of the A's sings in tree 5:35pm. "Ta zee ta zee ta zee[[jagged line]]" type phrases.

I am now convinced that this singing bird is C, singing from Eucalypt to which A never flew while I was watching him