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Mixed Diglossini, Nov. 2, 1963, IV
[[circled]] 48 [[/circled]]

[[left margin]] Carbo [[/left margin]] Both B's feeding in distance. 7:32. One bird (presumably [[female symbol]]) lands beside the other. Does brief TV Tail up about 40[[degree symbol]]. Breast definitely lowered. No BV. Possibly some fluffing. Wings out. Probably Q'd very briefly. Then displaying bird flies away.

Still see birds feeding together, but only occasionally 7:47.

[[left margin]] CC Carbo [[/left margin]] Well! Well! 7:58. A Carbo (apparently B) chasing 2 CC's. Back & forth. Finally separate. 1 CC lands in willow, utters several brief song phrases. Fast & rattling; but perhaps transcribable as "Ta-za-wee ta-za-wee ta-za-wee......" Carbo is also in willow, but at least 20 ft away. Silent. Then CC flies off. Carbo flies to eucalypt. Sings "Tazee tazee tazee [[image]]" phrases. 

So it looks as if both A & B Carbos fight with CC.

8:06. Aerial chase involving 3 Carbos. With R.

B's back in Eucalypt R-Zazaza "Greetings."

[[left margin]] Carbo [[/left margin]] [[female symbol]] B lands in scrub. Feeds. [[male symbol]] lands in bush about 20 ft away, utters loud R-Zazaza as he does so. He also feeds. Then he flies away, disappears [[female symbol]] remains feeding by herself for some minutes Silent. Then flies to top of bush and sings repeatedly. I am absolutely definite that this was the [[female symbol]]. All her phrases "Tazee tazee tazee-[[image]]." Quite like those of the [[male symbol]], but definitely softer.

It has been cloudy til now. Sun starting to come out 8:20

Everything very quiet now 8:30. Leaving B area.

[[left margin]] Carbo [[/left margin]] COMMENT: I am now quite convinced that the B Carbos did copulate at least once early this morning. Immediately after one of the twittery Rattles. I did actually see a flutter of black wings beating after one of these R's - the only trouble is I couldn't see what was going on underneath

Transcription Notes:
Image is jagged line