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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 28, 1964, IV. 
[[circled]] 60 [[/circled]]

area now.

[[left margin]] Myst [[/left margin]] Part of the reason that I heard so many more Myst songs today than during my last visit is that I found an area today (the upper part of the road to Cillutincara) where Myst are apparently much more common than anywhere I worked during my last visit. But even on the lower part of the path to Cillutincara, where I definitely did work last time, Myst songs were relatively common.

February 29, 1964
Nr. Unduavi

Going to work along road to Cillutincara again this morning. Arrive A Myst area 5:50 am. Cloudy. Some fog. But no rain (yet)

Small delay. Don't start up path until 6:15 am. Quite a lot of avian noises by 6:25. Various R's. Whitestart song. Also Firebellies 

Fog quite heavy.

[[left margin]] Myst ? [[/left margin]] Hear first Myst song 6:35. Same place first song heard yesterday Not overlapping anything else. Myst stops. Firebelly utters usual song. Firebelly stops. Myst resumes singing! Myst sings phrase after phrase. All phrases nearly, but not quite exactly, same length! Determinate (to about the same extent as carbonaria s.l. songs, I think). Then Myst shuts up.

A little later hear Whitestart downhill. Then shuts up  

All quiet 6:45 am.

7:00 am. Come across mixed flock. Seen very poorly. In thick scrub, intermingled some bamboo. Includes at least one bird apparently the same [[check mark over same]] Buff & Blue Tanager as at Machu Picchu (only head and underparts seen), a pair [[2 checkmarks above pair]]