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Mixed Diglossini, Feb. 29, 1962, II 
[[circled]] 61 [[/circled]]

of Firebellies (seen), and one [[checkmark above one]] or more B. nigrocristatus (heard). Buff & Blue and Firebellies in small trees 10-20 ft above ground. Both apparently noisy. Firebellies utter PN's and equivalent of "Ta-anh" [[bar above "an"]] song. Buff & Blue apparently utters "twitter" Rather like the equivalent "Ta-anh" [[bar above "an"]] song by local Firebellies. But more formless at first. Becomes more regular toward end of phrase "[[jagged line]] whit-ta-ta-whee whit-ta-ta-whee" It is possible that the Buff & Blue also uttered PN's like Firebellies. Both the Firebellies and the Buff & Blue seem to move on almost immediately But I can still hear the warblers after the tanagers have gone. This flock was at 10,950 ft.

[[left column]] Myst [[/left column]] While watching this flock, I heard a Myst singing in distance. Again phrases fairly short and at least semi-determinate 

[[left column]] Myst [[/left column]] Then hear what sounds like Myst again. One long burst of song. One very short phrase. Obviously not determinate.

No doubt but that Myst songs less frequent than yesterday. Because of weather? Does sunshine stimulate them to sing? (If so, is this evidence that they are dry season breeders???)

Reach lower edge open field top of path 7:25 am

See single thrush alone. In silhouette. Dark. Light bill and legs. Apparently no bright eye ring.

Fog lifting a little.

Hear B. nigrocristatus in scrub. Tree creepers & Oerthica [[Orthica]] flycatchers not far away.

[[left column]] Myst [[/left column]] Then hear at least 2 different Mysts singing in distance. One bird sings continuously for a long time Obviously indeterminate. The other's songs are broken up into definite phrases. Of variable length. But all more or less long. Apparently also indeterminate.