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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 9, 1964, VIII.
[[circled]] 86 [[/circled]]

[[left margin]] CC [[/left margin]] Possibly the songs of the CC's here are neither more hostile nor lower intensity than the songs of CC's in La Paz-Obrajes. Just the result of being conditioned to Brun-like songs.

[[left margin]] "Carbo" [[/left margin]] There may be a general rule, among Carbos, that they fight with individuals of other species (of D & C), if territorial overlaps occur. If so, then the inter-specific behavior of the adult "Carbo" here (viz a viz the "Bari") is Carbo-like, not Brun-like. I.E. its behavior is hybrid, not pure Brun.

March 10, 1964

Going to work same place today as yesterday. Arrive 5:50 am. Still dark. Some cloud & fog, but less than yesterday at the same time.

Andean Sparrows already singing when I get out of car.

[[left margin]] CC [[/left margin]] CC already singing when I reach its area 6:05 am. In Eucalypts. As yesterday. Phrases more or less twittering but probably basically Triplet in signature. Overlapping songs & calls of many other species - but not any other diglossine. All other diglossines seem to be silent at the moment. CC not singing quite as steadily as yesterday.

Go on down to far end adult "Carbo" territory 6:10 am. The "Carbo" is not singing (even though the sounds of the CC songs are almost "drowned out" by other avian sounds at this distance).

[[left margin]] CC [[/left margin]] CC definitely stopping songs for appreciable periods 6:15-6:20. But always resumes after pause. Some of its phrases are very long - much longer than the phrase(s) I transcribed yesterday.

6:23 Go on down to other side of CC territory, where "Bari" was seen, once,