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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 10, 1964, III
[[circled]] 88 [[/circled]]

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]] Instead of going back to "Carbo" territory, I walk along crest of ridge (partly retracing my steps down into other valley). Come across a Carbo, apparently pure Carbo, in clumps of scrub by maize field. Silent & alone. Feeding on usual species red tubular flowers. Lots of coruscans feeding same flowers. One or two coruscans come within several feet of the Carbo. No apparent reaction between the species.

[[left margin]] "Carbo" [[/left margin]] I don't think this Carbo can be the "Carbo" I studied yesterday and day before. Too far away. And it moves ever farther away until it disappears from sight.

[[left margin]] "Carbo" [[/left margin]] So probably whole population here is Carbo in physical appearance.

[[left margin]] Scan [[/left margin]] Quite a lot of disputes among the coruscans themselves. Which makes it even more interesting that they do not fight with Carbos here!

Back to original "Carbo" area 7:50. Nothing visible.

[[left margin]] CC [[/left margin]] Sun comes out briefly 8:10. CC utters a few twittering song phrases in Eucalypt. Scan goes behind cloud. CC shuts up.

8:20 CC utters more Twitters, both in Eucalypt and in scrub. Still definitely alone.

[[left margin]] CC [[/left margin]] Go up hill to area where second adult Carbo seen this morning. Find CC singing in maize field. On stalk, 3-4 ft above ground. Songs include both long twittering phrases and shorter, more obviously Triplet, phrases. Then bird flies into adjacent low scrub. Joins or is joined by another CC, presumably mate. One long twittering phrase as "Greeting." As far as I can tell, this is identical with some of the long twittering phrases uttered by the [[male symbol]] while alone.

[[left margin]] CC Scan [[/left margin]] Then both birds fly away into distant scrub. Disappear.

They passed very close to a coruscans at one point. No apparent reaction between species.

Several times, they were only 20 ft away from where I have seen the