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Mixed Diglossini, Mar. 12, 1964, II.
[[circled]] 92 [[/circled]]

[[left margin]] CC Carbo "Bari" [[/left margin]] Ovejuyo New Area. CC's, "Carbo"s (& Carbos?), and "Baris" present. "Bari" and "Carbo" territories overlapping. Overt hostility between the two. Apparently no overlap of songs ("Bari" possibly completely silent now. Geographical, but not altitudinal overlap between CC's on the one hand and "Bari" and "Carbo"s on the other. "Carbo" and "CC" alternate songs, no overlap. No overt hostility between "Carbo" (or "Carbo") and CC. Or between Bari & CC. In general, the various Diglossini are pretty well segregate here now. Colibri coruscans may be a "half-member" of the D-C complex here. At least, viz a viz the "Carbo" and "Bari" here.

[[left margin]] Brun B&C [[/left margin]] Before Unduavi. Bruns and B&C's seen. Territories apparently adjacent, not overlapping. No songs heard. But I did not do much work here. 

[[left margin]] Myst Sitti [[/left margin]]Just above Unduavi. No CC's or Bruns seen. Myst and Sitti seen with same mixed flock. But only once. No apparent reaction between the two.

[[left margin]] Brun Cy [[/left margin]] Below Unduavi. Bruns and Cys seen. Brun overtly aggressive toward Cy. Brun and Cy songs overlapping.

[[left margin]] Myst B&C Sitti [[/left margin]] Above Unduavi - [[Allutricara?]]. Myst, B&C, and Sitti seen. No obvious reaction(s) between the three species, altho all three may be associated in same mixed flocks. No overlap of songs (Mysts singing quite frequently, B&C's singing occasionally, Sittis apparently silent).