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Tangara, I               
July 26,1961

[[left margin]]one orange vertical zigzag line [[\left margin]]

Yesterday morning, David Snow and I went down to look at a nest of S. mexicana,(the Sulphur - bellied Tanager =

[[left margin]]three orange vertical lines and one orange cross hatched line [[\left margin]]

The young of this nest were quite vocal. Uttering lots of FB notes "zhee zhee zhee zhee zhee zhee ...." 

The young were fed, apparently by both parents. The parents were sometimes followed to the nest by one or two other birds, in adult plumage. Presumably young of earlier broods? It is possible that either one or both of these accompanying birds also fed the young in the nest, at least occasionally. 

When the parents first fed the young, they came to and left the nest quite silently. But later on they began to utter CN's as they flew in and out. These CN's varied from something like "Trit" to something like "feet". always (?) uttered in series. Sometimes slow series. At other times, accelerated to CN Trll's. CN Trll's very reminiscent of plain-color-ed Tanagers. Uttered when birds of the pair came in to land together. Also when all 4 of the adult birds flew away  together. Hostile????

According to David Snow, these CN's and CN Trll's are the only notes uttered by this species. He has never heard birds of this species utter any other "song". 

The WF's and TF's of this species seem to be quite the same as those of related species. 

It is my impression, from talking to other people and  observing the 4 Sulphur - bellies this morning, that this species may be more or less the "vicar" of the golden-masked Tanager. It seems to be the most common,  
