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Tangara, Apr. 16, 1962, I.                  

notes as "Dzzht dzzht . . .". Then the bird flew into a tree above me, about 20 ft away from me. Looked from side to side (switching whole body- Tail going opposite side head). Uttered more "CN"s. Some much more R- like than others. The most R-like may have been what I called "HCN" earlier. Then the bird uttered a single, brief, high, thin, soft "Trill" (including no more than 3 or 4 "syllables". Quite unlike anything I have ever heard uttered by a bird of this species before. Possibly "song"? Strictly homologous with WS's other species and R of the Golden-mask? Then the bird flew away (when a dog approached). 

Tangara, I                        
April 17, 1962
Cerro Punta

Working in same place this morning

8:35 am. Came across single Silver-throat. Obviously same bird as yesterday. Uttering "CN"s as usual. Today I thought that almost all these notes could be transcribed as "Dzzht." Buzzy but not rattling. 

Tangara, I                        
April 19, 1962
Cerro Punta

Working along ravine near upper border ilauos this afternoon. Lots of Silver-throats around today, but I didn't see any other callistes in the area
Walking along the path, I noticed that the "CN"s of the Silver