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Tangara, Apr. 17, 1962, III.       

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birds in a tree, 5 minutes later, approximately in the same place it appeared to fly to.
Here 2 birds were duetting - after a fashion. One uttering single "Dzheet"s (not as high-pitched or urgent as the "PN"s or "FCN"s); the other uttering "Dzhut"s (quite similar in quality to the "Dzhuts"s uttered in rapid and regular series a few minutes before, but uttered much more slowly and at regular intervals). The whole duet was quite irregular. Unfortunately I couldn't see the birds well during this performance. Apparently feeding. 

Both birds flew off, together, after a couple of minutes.
It seems obvious that the "CN"'s of this species include the homologues of several different patterns of other genera. Originally different patterns seem to have become incorporated, as poorly distinguishable variants, in the "CN" complex. This is also what seems to have happened in the case of the very different-sounding "CN"s of the Plain-colored Tanager.

I don't know why the vocal repertoire of this species should be so reduced - in view of the fact that it is not very gregarious. (Possibly partly because the quality of its voice is so distinctive???)

Tangara, I   
April 20, 1962                                 
Cerro Punta

Working at Lewis's place this morning, Arriving 5:45 am

Just heard silver-throats vocalizing ca 6:00. Approximately 3 birds. All uttering single "Dzhut" notes. Notes harsh but not very short. Uttered at irregular intervals. Fairly rapidly, but nothing like as part as the DC-like series yesterday afternoon.