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May 24

Has been very windy and rainy for the last 3 days. Too bad to come out. Now 5:25 p.m. it is still very windy, but the sun is at least shining temporarily. I had to come in blind alone, so the birds aren't happy. Had to tether boat outside. Lots of birds, however. Far ones go down rather quickly. None giving alarm call.

C down 5:30  Sitting peacefully

OL-T-U O-T O-U O-T-T-U O O-T-U O O-T |

Far male, X, has MC with female. Again ends by his rushing at her in apparent attack intention movement.

D or E back 5:40

[[left margin]] ✓*¹⁷ ✓*¹⁴  ✓*¹⁹ [[/left margin]] OL-T-T-T-O-T-U by female visiting X. Then X lands. MC by X of U-HF-HF-HF-U-O-U³ flies off  Female does U¹-HF¹-HF²-HF³-U². X, on flying off, just circles. Possible LCN, but even this is dubious. Back. MC by both of U-HF-HF female flies off, circles, gives one LCN. Back  MC.  Male does U-T¹-U-O¹-U².  Female does U-HF. X flies off. Circles. Female remaining, does G.C. at flying birds (probably at X himself). X back, to find another bird beside the female, generally a melée, both visitors fly off. X remains, in U. 5:50.

[[left margin]] ✓*²⁰  ✓*²¹ [[/left margin]] Look up to find female, presumably same one, with X. Both in U. [[Female symbol]] flies off, circles, back  MC. Female first in head-down bent posture [[image]] presumably connected with landing. Then U-HF. Male U-T-T-T³-U-HF¹-O¹-U³. Male flies off. Circles. Back. MC of female U, male U-O¹-T-T²-U-Cpr-Cpr-Cpr³-U³. Relax. Sit together.

General pairs 5:55 Breaks up quickly.

X pair may have begun, but just, forming pair-bonds.

Transcription Notes: