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Saturday June 5

Arrive colony 4:20 a.m. Clear, but looks as if weather were about to change — as it is supposed to. Fairly strong SE wind. Warmish.

Passed hundreds of gulls out hawking.  
Everything settles immediately, but nothing exciting yet 4:30.

Orientation of AC, vis à vis the opponent, is much more exact than usual in threat display. Head and neck, at least, always turned toward opponent.

Sun above horizon 4:36
Use @ symbol for displays against an intruder or close neighbor who has landed. S for solitary. U for presume unmated. i for incubating. m for mated, before incubation stage. O - for mated, with eggs, but not actually sitting 

One solitary bird, doing GC's, picks up twig in interval, then gives OL-T with twig in bill.  Then drops twig, more G.C.'s  

[[left margin]] S.U.✓6 @ [[/left margin]] AC before attack✓, AC after attack✓

Panic 4:46 Breaks up rather quickly

[[left margin]] S.i.✓6 @ [[/left margin]] AC before attack✓.  AC before attack✓   O after attack✓1 (Attacked in AC before attack✓) AC.O418. 

[[left margin]] *1✓✓ [[/left margin]] Female joins sitting  male.  Female does U-HF  Male does nothing 4:55

[[left margin]] S.i.✓6 @ [[/left margin]] AC before attack✓ AC before attack✓ AC after attack✓

[[left margin]] S.U.✓6 @ [[/left margin]] AC chase before attack✓. U1✓-HF✓ after attack✓  AC before attack✓  AC after attack✓ OL-T after attack [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] AC-Soar after attack✓

[[left margin]] S.U.✓6 @ [[/left margin]] OL✓-T✓. AC before attack✓  OL✓ O✓L U2✓ after attack (U1✓ by attacked after being attacked)

Transcription Notes: