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June 5 VI
* ♀ joins ♂.  ♂ does nothing.  ♀ does T. 8:02
* ♂ joins ♀. Neither does anything

6 AC before attack   7 U after attack

** ♂ joins ♀ Neither does anything.  Again, same thing.

53 SC  AC.AC.Ac.AC.Ac.Ac.
          ✔✔ ✔✔ ✔✔
▶ 18 Both U- HF- U

Notice that white lower back feathers are also raised during typical AC posture.

Also notice one copulation in which the same white lower back feathers are also raised 8:20

Wind increasing in strength  White caps in bay now

Have been watching incubating ♂, seaming repeated AC's at solitary bird near by.  ♂ mate approaches on foot.  She does O-O-OL-AC as she comes in.  ♂ continues AC.  Then ♀ begins to choke, fight ♂, drag Ch. posture, with bother "uh uh uh" and "oooah" sounds .  ♂ begins AC again.  Attacker at intruder in attack.  Later flies off.  ♂ returns to ♀.  Both AC, together, fawning one another.  Relax  ♀ goes to sleep  ♂ preens beside her 8:26  Intruder back.  Bother ♂ & ♀ scream AC.  This time not fight one another, but fighting intruder again.  ♂ attacks intruder.  Intruder flies off.  ♂ returns to ♀ re AD 8:30 

N3 ♀T to ♂, repeatedly, apparently FB ♂ bends head to ground, gives CH. type "oooah" sounds.  Then does AC at flying bird.  Tehn AC, attacks neighbors, back and U.  Then AC, attacks same neighbors back,✔ U-HF.  Then AC, attacks another neighbor back, picks up M.M  Flies off in circular  flight, still carrying M.M  ♀ gives a few LCN's while he's gone.  Back  Still carrying M.M  Bends head to ground, drops M.M., starts uttering "oooha" li sounds in diag. Ch posture.   ♀ comes closer, T. ♂, after pause, gives AC again.  Then momentary relaxation 8:37

Transcription Notes:
I don't know if the check marks should be noted in the transcription?