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June 13 II

Again, N3, playing with n.m. This time "oooooah" sounds. Again in lull between GC's. Could this be "n.b." be displacement, the result of thwarted sex drive? Followed by preening. 

[[left margin]] *5✓ *4✓ [[/left margin]] Female joins male, n.a.d.  Female joins male, male U, female nothing. 

[[left margin]] *7✓ *6✓ [[/left margin]] Male joins female, n.a.d. 5:07 Male joins female, n.a.d

N pair land. Female begins T immed. Male begins vigorous Ch. immed. Both stop quickly, begin to preen in a relaxed fashion.

N again. Both begin T in H. Male more H than female. Then intruder lands. Both O. Female rushes forward. Intruder flies off. Male stands in U. Both relax. Begin to preen in a relaxed fashion 5:14

[[left margin]] *9✓ *8✓ *10✓ [[/left margin]] Female joins male. Female U-T-Cpr-U. Male nothing. Male joins female. Male Ch, female nothing. Female joins male, Male U-HF-U, female nothing.

N again. Female starts playing with n.m. vigorously interrupted with brief Ch. int. mous.?  Male T. Then male relaxes, goes to sleep. Female continues building. Male wakes up.  Both T. Female continues building  Intruder lands  Male does O-AC.   Female does O. Intruder flies off. Female walks to male. Male T. Female starts building again, 5:26

[[left margin]]*11✓ [[/left margin]] Male releaves female.  Male Ch., female U-T-T-T-U

Su✓ [[circled]] G [[/circled]] AC before attack   AC after attack

N3 still busy with n m., in intervals of G.C's 5:31

Colony is still really very quiet  5:42

Su✓O  AC-AC before attack-PAG after attack

[[image]]]  One AC Crest position neck fairly thin.