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[[notation at top right with line around it]]200 1/2 litre

[[underline]]Opinion of Ex Gov. Seymour[[/underline]]
Utica N.Y. July 8th 1879.

A movement has been made at the west to have the rights of Indians defined by the Supreme Court of the United States.  It is strange that this has not been done heretofore and every principle of justice and humanity demands that it should be done now.  Every human being born upon our continent or who comes here from any quarter of the world, whether savage or civilized, can go to our courts for protection, except those who belong to the tribes that once owned this country.  The cannibal from the islands of the Pacific, the worse criminals from Europe, Asia or Africa can appeal to the law and courts for their rights of persons and proerty, save our native Indians, who above all should be protected from wrong.  Our policy with regard to them is such that they are left in a great degree helpless in the hands of men who have the greatest interest to rob them of their property. They do not
[[number 160 in circle at lower right]]