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Wa-shin u-ne,Te-hu-tan-bi,Ta-he zhin-ga,Pa-si du-ba,Wa-dhu-ta-ta, Joseph LaFleche,Nan-de dhin-ge,Ma-e-ga-hi,An-ba he-be,Richard Rus^[[h,]] Joel Rush,Niu-ga-shu-de, Te-pa-u-dhi-kha-ga,Te-zi-hin-sa-be,Wa-nu-ki-ge,Ni-stu man-dhin,Wa-ba-hi zhin-ga,and many others, amounting to about seventy men who now belong to the Young Men's party. 
(None of these were present when the letter was dictated,except the two whose names are given first. But they represent the rest.) 
We received the copy of the Herald,containing the account of the private reception on Fifth Ave. Hardly a day passes without several coming to ask me about you,and what success you are having. Marguerite and Susanne wil probably reach Omaha on the 18th. It will then rest with Mr. Webster as to what day they shall start for New York. Mrs.Dorsey and Miss Estill are now busy getting them ready for the trip. J.O.D.

Transcription Notes:
Joseph LaFlesche was Chief Standing Bear's English name.