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April 26th, 1935.

My dear Mr. Levvy:

Herewith is a photograph of the LAUTREC and of the CEZANNE, and the various prices for which you asked me:

The Price of the Lautrec is $22,000.-.
The Price of the Cezanne is $25,000.-.

On both these prices we could give you a 15% Discount.

The Price of the Renoir is $14,000.-.
The Price of the Vuillard is $3,200.-.

On these two pictures we could give you a 20% Discount.

With my kindest regards and best wishes, please believe me

Yours sincerely

(Rene Seligmann)

Julien Levy, Esq.,
Julien Levy Galleries,
602 Madison Aenue,
New York City.
