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Lawyer; b. Granville County, N.C., Oct. 7, 1906; s. John Frederick and Sarah (Gorham) W.; A.B., U.N.C., 1928; student George Washington U. Law Sch., 1933-36, LL.D., 1961; LL.D., U.N.C., 1949, Syracuse U., Colo. Coll.; Sc.D., U. Notre Dame, 1961, also other hon. degrees; m. Patsy Aiken Douglas, May 14, 1938; children--Sarah Gorham, James Edwin, Jr. Exec. asst. to under-sec. of Treasury, 1946; dir. Bur. of Budget, 1946-49; undersec. of state, 1949-52; former mem. pres.'s com. study U.S. Mil. assistance program; dep. gov. International Bank for Reconstrn. and Devel. and IMF, 1949-52; pres. and gen. mgr. Republic Supply Co., 1953-58, chmn, bd., 1958-60; asst. to pres. and dir. Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, Inc., Oklahoma City, 1952-61; administr. NASA, 1961-1969. Served to lt. col. as comdg. officer, 1st Marine Air Warning Group, 1944-45; lt. col. Res. Recipient Robert J. Collier Trophy, 1966. Mem. Nat. Geog. Soc. (bd. trustees). Marine Corps Res. Officers Assn., Frontiers of Sci. Found. of Okla., Inc. Am. Soc. Pub. Administrn. (pres. 1966-67), Am. Polit. Sci. Assn., Am., D.C. bar assns., Acad. Polit. Sci., Am. Assn. Adv. Society, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi. Presbyn. Democrat. Mason. Clubs: University (N.Y.C.); Alfalfa, University, Chevy Chase, Army and Navy, Metropolitan (Washington). Office: 1707 H St., N.W., Washington, D. C.