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[[underline]] Financial Report [[/underline]]

The Secretary summarized the following financial report which had been considered by the Executive Committee.

[[underline]] FEDERAL APPROPRIATIONS [[/underline]]

[[underline]] For Operating Purposes: [[/underline]]

An FY 1976 appropriation of $80,207,000, and an additional $22,240,000 for the transition period of July 1 - September 30, 1976, received final approval on December 23, 1975.  Also, OMB has now approved our requesting from the Congress a supplemental appropriation for FY 1976 of $3,675,000 to cover the uncontrollable pay increases (primarily resulting from pay raises legislated in October 1975) and higher steam, electricity and other utility cost increases despite our efforts to monitor and hold down consumption.  A similar supplemental of $951,000 will be requested for the transition quarter.  In addition, OMB, following its review of our proposed budget for FY 1977, has approved our requesting Congress for FY 1977 appropriations totaling $91,481,000.

The breakdown of these appropriations between regular salaries and expenses, the Science Information Exchange and the Foreign Currency Program, together with a summarized explanation of the principal classifications of increases from FY 1975 to FY 1976 and from FY 1976 to FY 1977 are shown in the following table: