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The Bicentennial Program, whose requirements peak in the current year, will be largely eliminated in FY 1977 and we are asking that most of this money be reprogrammed to other high-priority needs including fellowships, research awards, purchases for collections and the Upward Mobility Program.

[[underline]] For Construction: [[/underline]]

The final FY 1976 and transition period appropriation for construction totaling $12,082,000 and $1,840,000 respectively are the same as the House recommendations which were detailed to this Board last September. For the entire 15-month period the Zoo received $9,830,000 to continue its long-term renovation program and necessary repairs, the National Air and Space Museum construction will receive $2,500,000, and an additional $1,592,000 has been provided for general repairs and improvements to other Smithsonian facilities.

Our approved OMB budget request for FY 1977 construction totals $10,600,000, considerably less than the amounts requested. For the Zoo we will be able to seek a substantial, though lower amount for its construction program. We have been successful in stressing the need for major additional funds for restoration and renovation of buildings (increased to $3,300,000), while $500,000 will be asked to fund the first phase of planning for the Museum Support Facility.