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Exhibit C



[[6-column table]]

[[line across page]]
| Projected | [[span 4 columns]][[underline]] A C T U A L [[/underline]][[/span 4 columns]]
| FY 1976 | FY 1775 | FY 1774 | FY 1773 | FY 1772
[[line across page]]
[[underline]]RESTRICTED & SPECIAL PURPOSE FUNDS[[/underline]] | | | | |
  [[underline]]INCOME[[/underline]]: | | | | |
    Endowment Income | $1,728 | $1,727 | $1,754 | $1,736 | $1,573
    Gifts and Grants | 3,100 | 4,384 | 2,093 | 2,901 | 1,598
    Rev. Shar'g & Int Trans | 459 | 416 | 98 | 83 | -
    Miscellaneous | [[underline]] 1,000[[/underline]] | [[underline]]1,177[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 826[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 695[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 285[[/underline]]
       Total Income | $6,287 | $7,704 | $4,771 | $5,415 | $3,456
| | | | |
[[underline]]FUNDS APPLIED[[/underline]]: | | | | |
  Freer Operating-Income | $1,000 | 1,022 | $1,176 | $1,045 | $ 797
    -Expenses | [[underline]] 975[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 1,088[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 1,135[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 1,015[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 888[[/underline]]
    -Ending Balance | $ 150 | $ 125 | $ 191 | $ 150 | $ 120
| | | | |
  Cooper-Hewitt Oper.-Inc. | $ 150 | $ 210 | $ 134 | $ 159 | $ 108
    -Expenses | 250 | 244 | 190 | 200 | 243
    -Net Transfers in (out) | [[underline]] - [[/underline]] | [[underline]] 34[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 170[[/underline]] | [[underline]](1[[/underline]]) | [[underline]] 54[[/underline]]
    -Ending Balance | $ (100) | $ -0- | $ -0- | $ (114) | $ (72)
| | | | |
Arch. Am Art Oper.-Inc. | $ 170 | $ 329 | $ 199 | $ 241 | $ 137
  -Expenses  | [[underline]] 209[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 201[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 200[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 134[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 115[[/underline]]
  -Ending Balance | $ 282 | $ 321 | $ 193 | $ 194 | $ 87
| | | | |
Ft. Pierce Oper-Inc. | $ 613 | $ 526 | $ 953 | $ 748 | $ 585
  -Expenses | 563 | 645 | 1,007 | 1,083 | 788
  -Net Transfers in (out) | [[underline]] (50[[/underline]]) | [[underline]] (26[[/underline]]) | [[underline]] 300[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 237[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 150[[/underline]]
  -Ending Balance | $ 5 | $ 5 | $ 150 | (96) | 2
| | | | |
Hillwood Oper.-Income | $ 405 | $ 532 | $ 287 | - | -
  -Expenses | [[underline]] 503[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 511[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 210[[/underline]] | [[underline]] - [[/underline]] | [[underline]] - [[/underline]]
  -Ending Balance | - | $ 98 | $ 77 | - | -
| | | | |
All Other Funds - Income | $3,949 | $5,085 | $2,022 | $3,222 | $1,829
  -Expenses | 4,132 | 2,844 | 1,950 | 2,308 | 1,360
  -Net Transfers in (out) | [[underline]] 50[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 3[[/underline]] | [[underline]](33[[/underline]]) | [[underline]](275[[/underline]]) | [[underline]] 304[[/underline]]
  -Ending Bal. (see below) | $4,763 | $4,896 | $2,653 | $2,613 * | $2,105
| | | | |
Total Restricted Funds Inc. | $6,287 | $7,704 | $4,771 | $5,415 | $3,456
  -Expenses | 6,632 | 5,533 | 4,692 | 4,740 | 3,394
  -Net Transfers in (out) | [[underline]] - [[/underline]] | [[underline]] 11[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 437[[/underline]] | [[underline]] (39[[/underline]]) | [[underline]] 508[[/underline]]
  -Ending Balance | [[double-underline]]$5,100[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$5,445[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$3,263[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$2,747[[/double-underline]] * | [[double-underline]]$2,242[[/double-underline]]
[[line across page]]
[[underline]]Detail of All Other Funds Balances[[/underline]]: | | | | |
Cooper-Hewitt: S.C. Johnson Exhibit | | $ 381 | $ 150 | $ 150 | -
  -Kress Foundation | | 92 | 92 | 92 | 92
  -Purchase of Collections | | 252 | 250 | 69 | 69
MHT - Banking Exhibit | | 272 | 268 | - | -
  -Marine Hall | | 185 | 166 | 114 | -
  -News Reporting Hall | | 18 | 49 | 148 | -
NASM - Summa Corporation | | 695 | - | - | -
Other Bureau Gifts/Act. - NASM | | 164 | 85 | 46 | 38
  -MHT | | 158 | 64 | 24 | 10
  -MNH | | 59 | 19 | 17 | 10
  -NCFA | | 65 | 54 | 19 | 5
  -Zoo | | 246 | 126 | 19 | -
Folklife Fest: Gen Foods/Am. Airlines | | 465 | - | - | -
Woodrow Wilson Center | | 298 | - | - | -
All Other | | [[underline]]1,546[[/underline]] | [[underline]]1,329[[/underline]] | [[underline]]1,915[[/underline]] | [[underline]]1,881[[/underline]]
    Total | | [[double-underline]]$4,896[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$2,652[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$2,613[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$2,105[[/double-underline]]

[[/6-column table]]

* Reflects 6/30/74 Reclassification of $131 to Agency Funds

Transcription Notes:
On footnote, used asterisk (*) instead of half-superscripted underline "1/" that is difficult to read and impossible to transcribe as written.