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Exhibit D

[[underline]]PRIVATE FUNDS
CURRENT FUNDS[[/underline]]


[[5-column table]]

 | [[underline]]12/31/75[[/underline]] | [[underline]]6/30/75[[/underline]] | [[underline]]6/30/74[[/underline]]
 | [[underline]]6/30/73[[/underline]]
[[underline]]Assets[[/underline]]: | | | |
  Cash | $ 1,234 | $ 757 | $ 791 | $ 707
  Investments (Book Values)* | 11,065 | 10,150 | 8,298 | 6,223
  Receivables | 4,271 | 4,875 | 3,849 | 2,170
  Inventories | 1,105 | 1,119 | 780 | 602
  Prepaid Expense | 778 | 430 | 420 | 457
  Deferred Magazine Expense | 1,902 | 1,781 | 1,209 | 770
  Capital Improvements/Equipment | [[underline]] 603[[/underline]] | [[underline]]598[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 294[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 328[[/underline]]
    Total Assets | [[double-underline]]$20,958[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$19,710[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$15,641[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$11,257[[/double-underline]]
[[underline]]Liabilities and Fund Balances[[/underline]]: | | | |
  Due to other Funds | $ 1,218 | $ 1,164 | $ 2,079 | $ 1,069
  Deferred Magazine Subscr. Income | 6,945 | 5,217 | 3,646 | 2,747
  Other current liabilities | 2,944 | 4,012 | 3,123 | 2,320
  Fund balances; | | | |
    Unrestricted Funds: | | | |
      General Purpose | 4,658 | 3,768 | 3,477 | 2,292
      Special Purpose | 1,382 | 1,071 | 461 | 202
    Restricted Funds: | [[underline]] 3,811[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 4,478[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 2,855[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 2,627[[/underline]]
      Total Liabilities & Fund Bal. | [[double-underline]]$20,958[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$19,710[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$15,641[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$11,257[[/double-underline]]
      *Market Values | [[underline]]$10,987[[/underline]] | [[underline]]$10,083[[/underline]] | [[underline]]$ 7,971[[/underline]] | [[underline]]$ 6,078[[/underline]]
[[dashed line across page]]
[[underline]]ENDOWMENT FUNDS[[/underline]] | | | |
[[underline]]Assets[[/underline]]: | | | |
  Cash & Notes Receivable | $ (85) | $ 111 | $ 556 | 411
  Due from currrent funds | 220 | 295 | 240 | -
  Investments (Book Values)* | 39,899 | 40,015 | 40,042 | 41,267
  Loan to U.S. Treasury | [[underline]] 1,000[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 1,000[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 1,000[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 1,000[[/underline]]
     Total Assets | [[double-underline]]$41,034[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$42,421[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$41,839[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$42,678[[/double-underline]]
[[underline]]Endowment Fund Balances[[/underline]]: | | | |
  Endowment | $33,022 | $33,355 | $35,072 | $36,914
  Quasi-endowment | [[underline]] 8,012[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 8,066[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 6,767[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 5,764[[/underline]]
     Total Endow. Fund Balances | [[double-underline]]$41,034[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$41,421[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$41,839[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$42,678[[/double-underline]]
     *Market Values | [[underline]]$37,624[[/underline]] | [[underline]]$40,532[[/underline]] | [[underline]]$34,822[[/underline]] | [[underline]]$43,530[[/underline]]
[[dashed line across page]]
[[underline]]PLANT FUNDS[[/underline]] | | | |
[[underline]]Assets[[/underline]]: | | | |
  Due from Current Funds | $ 543 | $ 461 | $ 1,626 | 938
  Real Est.-Cost or Appraised Val. | 7,194 | 6,230 | 4,791 | 3,472
  Equipment - Net | [[underline]] - [[/underline]] | [[underline]] - [[/underline]] | [[underline]] - [[/underline]] | [[underline]] - [[/underline]]
     Total Assets | [[double-underline]]$ 7,737[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$ 6,691[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$ 6,417[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$ 4,410[[/double-underline]]
[[underline]]Liabilities & Fund Balances[[/underline]]: | | | |
  Liabilities | $ 254 | $ 280 | $ 386 | $ 400
  Acquisition Fund Balance | 534 | 451 | 1,590 | 938
  Investment in Plant | [[underline]] 6,949[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 5,960[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 4,441[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 3,072[[/underline]]
     Total Liabil. & Fund Bals. | [[double-underline]]$ 7,737[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$ 6,691[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$ 6,417[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$ 4,410[[/double-underline]]
[[dashed line across page]]
[[underline]]AGENCY FUNDS[[/underline]] | | | |
[[underline]]Assets[[/underline]]: | | | |
  Due from Current Funds | $ 455 | $ 386 | $ 213 | $ 131
  Investment at Cost | [[underline]] 10[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 10[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 10[[/underline]] | [[underline]] - [[/underline]]
     Total Assets | [[double-underline]]$ 465[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$ 396[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$ 223[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$ 131[[/double-underline]]
| | | |
[[underline]]Fund Balance[[/underline]]: | | | |
  Due to Current Funds | $ 410 | $ 246 | $ 136 | -
  Deposits Held in Custody | [[underline]] 55[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 150[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 87[[/underline]] | [[underline]] 131[[/underline]]
     Total Funds | [[double-underline]]$ 465[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$ 396[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]]$ 223[[/double-underline]] | [[double-underline]] $ 131[[/double-underline]]

[[/5-column table]]