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OM 7.43 Amendment 1 (7/7/71)
Exhibit C (continued)

Distinguished Honors and Awards of the Smithsonian Institution

[[four column table]]

Name of Award | The Secretary's Exceptional Service Gold Medal | The Bureau Director's Award for Scientific/Curatorial Excellence | The Matthew Fontaine Maury Medal [[hand-drawn arrow pointing left]]

Nature of Award | Gold Medal, Scroll, diamond lapel pin, and an honorarium in keeping with the nature and extent of the contribution. | A Plaque and honorarium from $300 - $1,000. | Gold Medal

Eligibility | All members of the Smithsonian Institution staff are eligible. | Any scientist or curator on the Smithsonian Institution staff. | Universal eligibility.

Basis of Award | Established in 1964, the Secretary's top gold medal award is reserved for (1) brilliant scholarship, (2) extremely significant administrative performance, or (3) exceptionally fine technical or support activity. | Especially noteworthy research and publications $300 - $500 [[line break]] Outstanding Acquisitions or Exhibits $300 - $500 [[line break]] Inventions, Discoveries, Hypotheses $300 - $1,000 | Established in 1970 in honor of the 19th Century U.S. Naval Commander, the founder of the science of oceanography. Given for distinguished contributions in underwater ocean science.

Method of Nomination | Written nominations are to be submitted to the Secretary, including a brief biographical sketch and a 1,000 word narrative statement of the exceptional work or contribution. Supporting or technical material may be appended to the nomination. | Upon written recommendation of the department chairman, on his own initiative or upon the suggestion of the Professional Accomplishments Evaluation Committee. The justification should explain fully (1) the nature of the contribution, (2) its relative value or significance, and (3) the extent of its application to existing knowledge. | Nominations will be made to the Secretary by a committee headed by the Director of the Smithsonian's Office of Environmental Sciences.

Purpose, frequency, by whom granted | To permit recognition of a member of the staff by the senior officer of the Smithsonian Institution for exceptional performance of duty or extremely significant contributions which have served to promote the basic purpose of the Smithsonian: "The increase and diffusion of knowledge among men." Presented by the Secretary at a special ceremony at Washington, D.C. | To recognize and encourage significant research, publications, inventions, and hypotheses.  Normally one or two at the most would be granted annually by a bureau director.  The award is to be presented at a formal ceremony arranged by the bureau director and attended by the recipient's peers. | To recognize significant contributions in underwater ocean science. Awarded periodically by the Secretary at a special ceremony. [[hand-drawn arrow pointing left]]

[[/four column table]]