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a report on this concept; and although the areas has undergone a number of changes, the basic scheme continues to be a viable approach to a workable solution.

This concept has been discussed with Wilbur Smith and Associates and they have been requested to provide a proposal for a review and updating of their previous study.  This review would reduce the underground parking to about 2,000 cars under the center panels of the Mall to avoid any impact on the tree panels and would include current data on visitor needs, parking availability, costs of paid parking in the area, traffic projections and related information upon which to re-evaluate the underground parking concept in light of the present day conditions as well as future projections.

The attached proposal describes the extent of the professional services in more detail and includes a cost estimate of $14,960.  Wilbur Smith indicates that they would be able to begin in January 1976 and would accomplish the proposed work in three months.  This would be a most useful step in planning for suitable parking accommodations for our visitors.