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New York 22, New York

May 9, 1960

Dear Mrs. Bier: 

How very disappointing it was to receive your husband's letter of May 5th advising me of his visit to New York from May 15th to the 29th, as I shall miss seeing him here altogether and in London on the 16th as well as during the week of May 22-28 which I had planned to spend in your city. 

He further wrote that you would be willing to take care of my commissions, and I am wondering whether he was taking your complying with his request as a fait accompli. Would that not be quite am imposition on your time and your many occupations? However, should such a thought be agreeable to you, could I then count upon meeting you at noon at Sotheby's on Monday, May 16th when we would together look at the DESMONI collection, and I do hope that you will give me the pleasure of your company for luncheon. 

As I explained to your husband, in view of the high reserve prices which I understand are being put on these works of art, it would seem necessary to have valuations on the items I indicated to him in my letter of May 2nd. 

I expect to arrive in Paris, Hotel Ritz, Place Vendome, on Saturday, May 14th, and may I prevail upon your kindness to let me have a note from you telling me whether I will have the privilege of meeting you as indicated above. 

Looking forward to your news and with my kindest thoughts to you and your husband, 

Sincerely yours, 

Germain Seligman 

Mrs. H.N. Bier
2 Strathearn Place
Hyde Park Square
London W 2, England
