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Herbert N. Bier

2 Strathearn Place, 
Hyde Park Square, 
London W.2.

12th May 1960.

Mr. Germain Seligman
Hotel Ritz
Place Vendome,
Paris, France.

Dear Mr. Seligman,

My wife was delighted to receive your letter of the 9th May and would of course have been at your disposal on Monday and Tuesday with the greatest pleasure. However, since I have not been quite well recently I have had to cancel my trip on Sunday. I still hope to be able to get away by the middle of next week, but I shall in any case be able to meet you on Mondayat 12 noon at Sotheby's.

I am very much looking forward seeing you again, and remain, with best regards in which my wife joins,

Yours sincerely,

Herbert Bier
