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New York 22, N. Y.

Jan. 5, 1962

Dear Mr. Bier,

It is only today that my attention was called to the fact that the backing - either wood or cardboard - of the Joseph Vernet gouache I purchased from you had been omitted from the packing.

I am not referring to the frame itself - which I do not care to have - but I would like the backing you in fact showed me for it had all sorts of inscriptions, numbers, etc. which I would like to identify, if possible. We have been quite successful in a similar instance of late, though offhand, they were just mysterious figures.

On the other hand, as this backing - cardboard or wood - is certainly of no use to you, you would oblige me by forwarding it. This having no value, I would suggest that you just wrap it up with a cardboard or two, protecting it against rain and declaring it for a value of one pound - mailing it [[underlined]]directly[[/underlined]] to my galleries. I would appreciate your doing this and thank you in advance.

I do hope that Mrs. Bier and you started the New Year in a pleasant manner, and with all good wishes to you both,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Herbert N. Bier, Esq.
2, Strathearn Place
Hyde Park Square
London W. 2., England
