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Herbert N. Bier
Works of Art
2, Strathearn Place, Hyde Park Square, London, W.2
Telephone: Paddington 9522   Cables: Bierart, London

19th January 1962.

Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Co.,Inc.,
5 East 57th Street,
New York 22, NY,

Dear Mr. Seligman,

I thank you for your letter of the beginning of January. I think I do remember that I asked you whether you would like to keep the back of the frame with the little information there was, and we agreed that I would just let you have all the available data, which I did in my letter of the 4th December.

As pointed out, the number 1311 refers to the sale at Christie's on the 19th March 1885 of the Bohn collection, the only other description on the back was the one I fully quoted in my letter of the above date. Since there was no point in keeping it I disposed of the frame.

With best regards, I remain,

Yours sincerely,

[[signed]] Herbert Bier [[/signed]]