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Chalet Graa
Gstaad (BO) Suisse

July 29, 1962

Dear Mr. Bier:

Going over some of my notes, I realize that I have neglected talking to you further about your marble of David. I feel rather guilty about it, the more as it had been my intention to ask you to take me back to your restorer for another look at it.

However, I would say that the first problem is to find out whether Mr. Pope-Hennessy could give it some authorship. you know well that David was a particularly cherished subject and that all leading artists represented this young hero, with perforce any number of lesser men trying their hands at it. You know, too, that without the name of an artist, such a statue would be difficult to sell in the States, not forgetting the restorations.

Meanwhile I am wondering if you could let me know whether you have set a selling price for it.

With kindest regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Herbert N. Bier, esq.
2 Strathearn Place
Hyde Park Square
London, W.2, England