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11th April 1969.

Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Co.Inc.,
5 East 57th Street,
New York, NY 10022,

Dear Germain,

I should like to thank you for your letter of the 5th April and also my thanks to Mr. Porjes for the very prompt payment for the drawing by Donato Creti which I hope has arrived meanwhile.

With regard to lot 68, Sotheby's sale on the 17th April I saw it today standing on the floor and it was very difficult to study it thoroughly. The piece is so heavy that so far they avoided putting it on an easel, but they may do so next week.  The condition appears to be very good.  So far I could only detect that one of the fingers of the Madonna is repaired, as is also the bird which the child holds.  The nose of the Madonna is in my opinion old, I shall have another look next week.  I like the drapery very much which is in the spirit of Verocchio.  The child has a rather large, slightly clumsy head, but this might have appeared so due to the misleading position.

I made enquiries , asking Mr. Ricket who is in charge of the Department, about the provenance.  All he could tell me ^[[is]] that it belonged to two private collectors. Pope-Hennessy apparently  has not seen the piece yet and I rather hesitate calling him on the subject either on your or my behalf.  The valuation is between [[pound sterling symbol]]3,000 to [[pound sterling symbol]]5,000.

As I said I shall have another, very good look, next week.  Should Mr. Pope-Hennessy turn up Mr. Ricket will ask his opinion and let me know.

Should you wish to follow the matter up after this report, it would be advisable if you would ring me on Wednesday evening.

With best regards,


[[signed]] Herbert [[/signed]]