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March 2nd, 1974

Dear Herbert;

These lines will greet you upon your return from your short vacation.

They are to thank you for your nice note of February 18th.

Do not be surprised if you do not hear from me about some of the tempting items which may come up for auction in London, for to be perfectly frank I am not in a buying mood, in view of business conditions, which I find rather depressing as far as I am concerned.

On the other hand, I was hoping that I would be able to congratulate you on the results of your elections. From the newspaper reports this does not seem to be the case, as it looks doubtful that Mr. Heath will be able to remain in power.

Thus the situation in England will remain rather dark, I am afraid.

Conditions here are not particularly brilliant, either, due to the oil and petrol shortages.

With kind thoughts to Lieselotte and to you,


Germain Seligman

Herbert N. Bier, Esq.
2, Strathearn Place
Hyde Park Square
London W.2, ENGLAND