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Mr. and Mrs. Herbert N. Bier
2, Strathearn Place
Hyde Park Square
London W2

May 25, 1976

Dear Liselotte and dear Herbert,

It is truly distressed that I am sending you these lines to let you know that we have just cancelled our reservation in Paris, for contrary to our hopes, my health will not allow me to go to Europe this Spring.

As you can readily imagine, what a disappointment it is for both of us to be thus deprived of the enjoyment of the company of our friends, and in fact, I should also mention, members of my family.

Paris, of course, meant also London, and I must say that though I am retired and no longer active in business, I am still anxious to be posted about the activities brought about by the auction houses, particularly in London, where as I gathered from the catalogues I have received, you still have some great aesthetic manifestations this season. And you know well how much they meant to me, going around to see them in both your company.

This morning the New York Times imparted the news of Pope-Hennessy having taken a job in the Metropolitan Museum. It gave me quite a shock, for if on one hand it will give me the opportunity of seeing more of him, on the other I imagine that there must have been a serious cause for his relinquishing his post as director of the British Museum. According to the interview, published by the newspaper, one gathers the impression that Pope-Hennessy is looking forward to his new post. But, the British mean so much throughout the world that there must have been a very serious reason for his resigning or having been requested to do so.

When you have a few free moments, do let me hear from you on this topic, for you know well rumors of all types circulate throughout the art world, and much on this topic must have appeared in the London papers, of which we have had no knowledge here.

I do hope that these lines will find you both in good health, and with heartiest wishes from Ethlyne and from me,

With affectionate thoughts,


Germain Seligman

[[signed]] GS [[/signed]]