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[[underline]] Museum of African Art [[/underline]]

The Chancellor brought to the attention of the Regents a letter with attachments sent to him by Warren M. Robbins, Director of the Museum of African Art, proposing acquisition of this Museum by the Smithsonian.  The letter had been forwarded by special delivery to the Regents on May 7, 1976 and contained a justification of the proposal by Director Robbins as well as endorsements by Members of the Congress (attached).

The ensuing discussion recognized that the Museum collections and real estate had substantial intrinsic and cultural value.  An estimate of $6,000,000 for the value is stated in the sponsor's supporting papers.  An annual federal appropriation of over $500,000 was mentioned as being necessary to augment contributions from various sources of private support.  Further study is needed, however, to determine what funds (probably substantial) might be needed on a one-time basis for purchase of equipment and renovation of facilities to meet necessary Smithsonian safety and health requirements for visitors, staff and collections.

While it was inferentially accepted that authorizing legislation would not be required, there was general agreement that obtaining the reaction of the Office of Management and Budget and of the Members of the Congressional Appropriations or Authorizing Committees would be an essential step in arriving at a decision on whether to accept the proposal.  It would be necessary to obtain facts on the costs of operation and