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RECEIVED May 6 3 07 PM '76 

[[image - drawing of museum building]]
316-318 A ST. NORTHEAST, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20002 (202) LI 7-7

May 6, 1976

The Chief Justice
The Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Chief Justice:

Senator Humphrey suggests that I bring you, for consideration by the Board of Regents the following material relating to the proposal that the Smithsonian acquire the Museum of African Art.

1. Draft of letter from Senator Humphrey strongly recommending the merger.

2. List of approximately 30 endorsements from the Senate.

3. Draft of similar letter from Congressmen Brademas (D-Ind.), Conyers (D-Mich.) and Horton (R-N.Y.) with a list of almost 100 House Members as co-signers (including all the members of the Black Caucus).

In addition, there are a number of signatures which we expect will be confirmed by Monday.

I have repeatedly been told by Congressional staffers that such response to "Dear Colleague" letters is phenomenal -- especially since they were circulated only about two weeks ago and there has been a recess and considerable election campaigning taking Members away from their offices.

From all indications we expect to gain perhaps double the number of co-signers in both Houses during the next several weeks. 

In addition, there are a number of Senators and Representatives who have informed us that although they are in favor of the idea, they do not wish to sign a proposal that might be coming to their committees for consideration.

On Monday, we will deliver the final letters from Humphrey et el, with lists of endorsements as of that time. 

We will also have letters of endorsement from Assistant Secretaries of State Schaufele (Africa) and Richardson (Education and Culture) and, we assume, Secretary Kissinger upon his return, in view of what he had to say to you and Senator Humphrey at our 10th anniversary reception. 

What is ultimately at stake, sir, is the survival of the Museum and I hope that our proposal can be the solution.

Respectfully yours,

[[signed]] Warren M. Robbins [[/signed]]
Warren M. Robbins