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with the Department of the Treasury and its financing of parking facilities at the Center through the issuance of Revenue Bonds. We shall also consider other alternatives in addition to Federal financing. The concerned Congressional Committees and the Regents will be informed of developments.

Accordingly, this investigate work will continue but will delay legislative consideration of authorizing the garages during this year.

The Chief Justice observed that in his experience American cities that had not developed downtown parking in the past had regretted their inaction. The Vice President concurred and recalled that on a recent visit to San Francisco he had witnessed that city's success with downtown garages. It was recognized that the garages will be revenue-producing and will repay the investment over a period of years. The period will depend on interest charges, if any, and rates charged for parking, as well as construction costs which seem sure to rise as time goes on.

Mr. Yates said that he would check with the National Park Service to see what their feeling is on this subject.

The Chancellor concluded that the consensus of the Regents was that the Institution should go ahead and plan now for garages under the Mall, and it was

VOTED that the Secretary is directed to continue planning for parking under the Mall and to advise the Regents on the necessary actions to be taken.