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[[underline]] National Collection of Fine Arts [[/underline]]

At its meeting on December 4, 1975, the National Collection of Fine Arts Commission recommended that Mr. R. Philip Hanes, Jr. be named a member of the Commission. It is therefore recommended on behalf of the National Collection of Fine Arts Commission that he be named by the Board of Regents to the Commission for a four-year term beginning with the December meeting 1976. A brief biographical sketch of Mr. Hanes follows.

HANES, RALPH PHILIP JR., textile dyeing and finishing mfg. co. exec.; b. Winston-Salem, N.C., Feb. 25, 1926; s. Ralph Philip and Dewitt (Chatham) H.; grad. Woodberry Forest Sch., 1944; student U. N.C., 1944-46; B.A., Yale, 1949; m. Joan Humpstone, Jan. 14, 1950. With Danes Dye & Finishing Co., Winston-Salem, 1950---, v.p., 1956-62, exec. v.p., 1962-65, pres., 1965-68, chmn. bd., 1968---. Mem. adv. com. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, 1962-65; mem. Nat. Council on Arts, 1965-70, mem. adv. music panel, 1970---; v.p. Winston-Salem Arts Council, 1964-64; pres. Tri-States Art Council, 1959-61; vice chmn. Winston-Salem Community Center Fund Drive, 1957, Winston-Salem Total Devel. Commn., 1960-62, Salem Coll. Arts Center Fund Drive, 1962-63, N.C. Sch. for Art Fund Drive, 1964-65;  pres. Arts Councils Am., 1964-66; chmn. N.C. State Arts Council, 1964-67; vice chmn. founder Asso. Council Arts, 1966-69, mem. adv. com. Am. Crafts Council, 1970---. Bd. visitors Barter Theater, State Theater Va., 1967-72; bd. dirs. Winston-Salem Gallery Fine Arts, 1956-58, Winterthur, 1972---, Winston-Salem Little Theater, 1958-61, Winston-Salem Symphony, 1956-66, Forsythe Econ. Devel. Corp., 1969-71, Roger L. Stevens Found., Audobon Soc.; trustee, mem. exec. com. N.C. Sch. for Arts; trustee Sparta Hosp., 1956, Chatham Meml. Hosp., 1856, Salem Coll., 1961-64 Recipient Young Man of Year award Winston-Salem Jaycees, 1958; N.C. Jaycees, 1958; Arts Council award, 1960, Gov.'s award for preservation of natural areas, 1969, Asso. fellow Jonathan Edwards Coll., Yale; life fellow Royal Soc. Arts; mem. Young Presidents Orgn. (dean arts 1967, 70), Newcomen Soc. N.Am., N.C. Arts Soc., N.Y. Classical Guitar Soc., Jargon Soc., Inc. (pres. 1968---), Am. Nat. Theatre and Acad., Am. Assn. Museums, Am. Symphony Orch. League (dir. 1958-61), Asso. Artists N.C., N.C. Collectors, Inc., Boston Mycological Soc., Sierra Club, Trout, Unltd., Appalachian Trail Club, Wilderness Soc., Ducks Unltd. Rotarian Clubs: Currituck _Jarvisburg, N.C.); Cane River (Burnsville, N.C.); Roaring Gap (N.C.); Yale (N.Y.C.); Twin City, Old Town (Winston-Salem, N.C.). Home: Box 749, Winston-Salem, NC 27102. Office: Hanes Dye & Finishing Co Buxton St, Winston-Salem, NC 27102

In accordance with the by-laws of the National Collection of Fine Arts Commission, the Regents are required to approved membership of the Commission. The following motion was adopted:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the appointment of R. Philip Hanes, Jr. as a member of the National Collection of Fine Arts Commission for a term of four years.