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[[underline]] Next Meetings [[/underline]]

The date for the meeting of the Executive Committee will be discussed with the members.
The date for the Board of Regents meeting in New York City at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum has been approved provisionally. Further information will be provided to the members of the Board.

[[underline]] Adjournment [[/underline]]

The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Following the meeting the Regents joined their wives and other guests in the Arts and Industries Building to tour the "1876: A Centennial Exhibition." Dinner was served in the Rotunda in the very pleasant setting around the fountain. The presentation of the Smithson Medial to Nancy Hanks, Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Council on the Arts, was made by the Secretary and the citation presented was as follows:

"Nancy Hanks, what a lady of the arts you are, from your work in Durham to New York to Washington, you have been an effective and enthusiastic pilot in state and national efforts to strengthen support for cultural institutions and artists. As the tireless Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, you have shown yourself endowed with a rare talent for raising riches for the arts in America from both public and private sources. Your greatest accomplishment may well be that you have demonstrated that patronage of the arts is a legitimate, necessary and continuing function of