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2. [[double underline]]Administrative Work.[[/double underline]]

a. [underline] Catalogues. [/underline] (1.) [[underline]] Museum registers. [[/underline]] In the museum registers there have been carefully recorded the scientific name, sex and age, locality, date of collecting, name of collector and donor, collector's number, and such other information as may be contained on the original label of the specimen, or otherwise accompanying it. When practicable, collections have been catalogued as soon as turned over to the department, and when possible, the species belonging to each have been arranged systematically, or in the sequence of approved classifications. The museum register of birds has increased from 85,672 at the end of 1881 to 89,433 at the close of 1882; the nests and eggs, from 18,417 to 18,717. As to the latter, the entries afford no indication of the actual number of specimens catalogued, every nest, with its complement of eggs, and each lot without the different sets being distinguished, being included under a single number. (2) [[underline]] Card catalogues.[[/underline]] No card catalogueing has been done except of specimens added to the exhibition series, which, in great part, had already been card-catalogued.