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^[[12 [[strikethrough]] 10C 13a [[/strikethrough]] ]]

In addition to specimens distributed in the usual manner, a representative collection of North American water birds for the Fish Commission exhibit at the London International Fisheries Exhibition, was, at the request of the Assistant Director, selected by the curator of this department.  The collection embraces specimens of about 230 species and races, including altogether 468 specimens. About 100 of this number are duplicates and are intended to be exchanged for other specimens, but the remainder are merely loaned and are to be returned to the reserve series of the museum. A considerable number of them, however, are to be mounted in artistic groups, which will ultimately form [[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]] part of an educational series, the exhibition of which is contemplated as one of the special features of the museum.

The number of packages sent out during 1882 by the Department of Birds is 57, of which 25 were shipped by express, 31 were sent by mail, and 1 by steamer. These include --

Specimens distributed (exchanges) | 12 packages.
"[[ditto for Specimens]] loaned for examination | 10 "[[ditto for packages.]]
"[[ditto for Specimens]] borrowed " "[[ditto for for examination]] and returned. | 28 "[[ditto for packages.]]
Miscellaneous | [[underlined]]7[[/underlined]] "[[ditto for packages.]]
Total | 57 "[[ditto for packages.]]