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[[showing from next page, because the top of this page is cut off]]

5. [[underline]]Number of Specimens in the Collection.[[/underline]]

It is impossible to give at the present time an exact statement of the number of specimens in the several series of  
[[/showing from next page, because the top of this page is cut off]]

4. [[wavy underline]]Present state of Collections[[/wavy underline]].

The present state of the collections is first-class, except in the case of the duplicate collection, which is chiefly included within cases which afford no protection from insects, but part of which is packed in large boxes, and thus very inconvenient of access when exchanges are to be made. That portion accommodated in the unsuitable cases above mentioned requires constant watching and frequent use of bisulphide of carbon, – a very efficient insecticide when put in tightly closed drawers or cases, but of only temporary utility in open receptacles, on account of its rapid evaporation. The exhibition collection is also in constant peril, the cases being in every respect unsuitable for the safe-keeping of specimens. It is, in fact, a great risk to put valuable specimens into them.

Transcription Notes:
Note to Curators: Note that the page number and first three lines of text are actually the next page, not this one. The paper had been cut above the beginning of Section 4, so the start of Section 5 below it shows through.